Jon Eagle Sr escribó ayer en su perfil de Facebook:
Hau mitakuyepi. I'm writing in response to the many doubtful and negative comments on my previous post. Let me put this victory in perspective for you so you can better understand why I feel we've killed this black snake.
It is a historic day for not only the people of Standing Rock but for all the tribal nations, indigenous people, people around the United States and people from all walks of life around the world who have shown their love and support to Standing Rock. When we first began this resistance we were told that it had never been done before and the chances of stopping this pipeline were slim to none. I think it's safe to say that this can indeed be done. This resistance has given a voice to the many tribal nations across this country who are defending their sacred sites and ancestral burials within Treaty and ancestral lands.
Because of this resistance tribes were invited to government to government consultation and given a chance to redefine what meaningful consultation means to them . This resistance has prompted the United States Government to remember it's trust responsibility to tribes and has caused them to give renewed consideration to honor our treaties. During the government to government consultations tribes advocated for meaningful consultation for federal undertakings crossing ancestral homelands prior to those undertakings being approved. This resistance has given a voice to those who weren't heard, the first people's of this continent.